Looks good - fills a need for smaller departments with smaller budgets.
Ronald McLallen, Chief,
Layette, ME |
I am very interested in this type of magazine. Most magazines are geared toward the professional and paid fire departments. The small VFD's need a magazine that is geared toward their interest and issues.
Andrew Fraize, Chief,
St. Charles, AR |
You are doing a great for our profession. Keep up the good work.
John Maynard, Firefighter,
Grifton, NC |
After reading your publication I was amazed at the way the magazine was set up, it really was a pleasure and I read it from cover to cover.
Ted Jones, Chief,
Mays Landing, NJ |
I personally like it. I think it is a good magazine. Keep it up. Thank you. Also, it is great for the Volunteer Fire Service.
Roland J. Ovellette, Fire Chief,
Passadumkeag, ME |
Very well down and glad to see a publication centered around the Volunteer Sector. Most are for career people. Thanks for the opportunity for a free subscription.
Gwendolyn Evans,
Operations Chief,
Westville, FL |
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Design Architectural Heating
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Goin' Postal
9 N River Rd Auburn, ME p 207-784-9900 www.auburngoinpostal.com
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28 Bowdoinham Rd Sabattus, ME 04280 p (207) 375-7204 f (207) 375-7205 affordablewelldrillinginc@gmail.com affordablewelldrillingmaine.net
Applebee's Grill & Bar
14 Manchester Road Derry, NH 03038 p (603) 432-5600 www.restaurants.applebees.com
Walton Technologies
P.O. Box 59 Monmouth, ME 04259 p (207) 933-6999 waltech@fairpoint.net www.waltonwatertech.com
Pastime Club
45 Cedar St Lewiston, ME 04240 p (207) 782-9019
40 East Ave Lewiston, ME 04240 p (207) 795-6888 f (207) 795-6880 www.sea40me.com
William K. Goldfarb
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Hudson Trading & Pawn
109 Main Street Hudson, MA 01749 p (978) 562-1068 hudsonpawnshop@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/p/Hudson-Trading-Loan-LLC-100089807958179/
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